Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Arigurumi Bananas (...and corn???)

So my sister found a picture of this really cute crocheted banana and so, what did she do? Why asked me to make it of course! The banana seemed simple enough so I went ahead and searched for a pattern on and lo and behold, a really easy one appeared. A shout out of thanks to Barabara Strasser with her "Arigurumi Banana" pattern, which can be found on her blog in the link below:

I had a lot of fun with this pattern because each one is completely customizable. I decided to go with a happy manga face for the first one because whoever doesn't think that is the cutest thing ever needs some schooling. I made the mouth with normal sewing thread that I just sewing in back and forth with red and added a black outline. The blush was made by red paint. 
 I was playing around with a second banana and decided to try using green as the bottom half (cough cough, I was out of yellow) with the idea that I could make it like a baby banana that hasn't yet matured. I haven't quite done that yet, but many people have been telling me it looks like corn... You can decided for yourself. If I decide to do the baby banana I'm thinking of adding a pacifier and a curly hair with a bow on top of its head.  

*sigh* I can't believe I made bananas. I wa thinking about it so much during class that I actually drew out my entire family (including cat) during class... What have I done to myself? :D